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My Opinions on StuffBullheads
When I set the hook, I knew right away that this was no bluegill, and not a crappie either. The rest of the family was bobber fishing, and I was pitching a small tube jig to the edge of some green milfoil, a proven approach on this favorite panfish lake. A session...

Smallmouth Bass, Fairy Stones, and Treasure City
Most of the time if I go camping it is because of necessity, not just because camping is so much damn fun. I may camp out because there just happens to be a campsite where I’m fishing, or maybe I spent too much money on tackle and can’t come up with the funds for a...

Muskie on a Fly? Totally Doable. Right in your backyard.
You want to catch a muskie on a fly? No one said it was going to be easy. Or did they? Be sure that I didn’t. You want to catch a lot of fish?-- I suggest a trip to one of our fine local spring creeks, this time of year the hatches will keep the trout feeding and...

Since I’m a Guide…I Think I’ll Just Guide Myself!
“PLOP” I watched one of my last jigs disappear into the swirling green water I was standing in. It had slipped through my shaking fingers when I was retying after releasing the biggest snook I had ever caught. I should have been mad, but I just chuckled and...
Middle Dam
There is a special place not far from here, known by many as Willow River State Park. Before I had ever been there, I knew it as Middle Dam. My grandpa was a retired teacher who fished a lot, and often talked of this place. Surprisingly, for how much he fished, he...

DNR Announces Celebrity Fundraiser to Combat Invasives
As we enter the year 2015, we need to realize more than ever how important it is to keep our great state free of evil aquatic invasives. I’m sure by now you’ve heard the horror stories of how some of these organisms have already fouled our waters. The Eurasian...

Is this the Final Fly Fishing Frontier?
Are you out of fish to catch? What’s left on your fly fishing bucket list? Steelhead, pike, striped bass? These are pretty simple, you could probably catch all 3 on one trip without a boat if you planned it right. How about things like tarpon, king salmon, muskie,...
Recreational Tying with Peacock
There was a time when I tied flies a lot. Almost every night in my smoky one room apartment you would find me drinking cheap beer and adding to my inexhaustible supply of flies. There were, and still are, certain flies that I can’t ever seem to have enough of—things...

How I Made a Muskie Famous
About a dozen years ago I got a call from a local photographer friend named Jules. It seems his office was working on a new muskie book, and they needed a good sized muskie to take pictures of. “Sure, I can catch you one. When do you need it by?” I’m thinking I’ll...
Flappin’ for Smallies
EVER FISH WITH A FLAPPER? No not that kind. Not that it wouldn't be fun, but I don't think many fish would get caught. Ever see someone set the hook while wearing heels? It's a disaster. I'm talking about fishing with a Gambler Flappin' Shad, or as I call...