Quick Trip to the North Woods

I have been threatening to take Savannah camping for two years now,  we finally made it happen.  We made it to our campsite, a semi-remote  lake in Paul Bunyan State Forest in the early afternoon, and had the boat launched by two.  I have been to this lake before, and...

Back on the Mississippi

Finally, the river has come back into shape.  Although when I checked my records I see it was actually later than this last year before we could get after the brown bass on the river.  I headed up to my preferred high water launch site this weekend and was greeted by...

River too high?? Don’t forget the lakes!

Small Tiger Muskie Mason Johnston from Shawnee, KS Yeah, yeah, the rivers have been too high.  The Mississippi has been flowing at over 20,000, the St Croix over 10,000, even the Rum has been approaching 5,000 CFS.  No one loves river fishing as much as me, and I will...

Invasive Species Rant

I’m at a boat launch near home this weekend, and here comes the  DNR’s Milfoil Boy.  Nothing against this guy, he was polite and just doing his job, and I answered all his questions like I have many times before.  When we were done with the mandatory...